Role of Psychological Classroom Atmosphere in Quality Education at Secondary Level
The current study was conducted to explore the role of psychological classroom atmosphere in quality education at secondary level. The major objective of the study was to examine the views of the learners about the role of psychological atmosphere of classrooms of the secondary schools in quality education. The present study was quantitative by nature. The research used questionnaire to collect quantitative data. The population of the study was twenty government girls high schools in urban areas and ten government girls secondary schools in rural areas of Layyah. 400 female teachers are working in city area secondary schools and 200 female teachers are working in rural area secondary schools. The stratified random sample technique was used to collect data from teachers. Eight urban area schools and eight rural area schools were selected as sample of study. The 50 teachers each were selected from urban and rural area secondary schools respectively. The questionnaire comprising of two parts was used for data collection. One part of the questionnaire was the role of psychological classroom atmosphere and the second was to know the quality education of the schools. Both parts of the questionnaire was Likert type having five choices (SA=Strongly Agree, A=Agree, U=Unknown, D=Disagree, SD=Strongly Disagree). The reliability and valid check of the questionnaire was made by the experts. The percentage, t-test and regression were applied to data analysis. The findings of the study indicated that there was a major role of psychological classroom atmosphere in quality education.
Keywords: Quality Education, Psychological Atmosphere