Refund Policy


The Journal of Social Signs Review (JSSR) is committed to providing high-quality academic publishing services. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and therefore offer a limited refund policy for author fees associated with manuscript submissions.

Refundable Fees:

  • Submission Fee: A full refund of the submission fee will be issued if your manuscript is withdrawn before the peer review process begins. Once the review process starts, no refunds will be granted for the submission fee.
  • Publication Fee: A full refund of the publication fee will be issued if your manuscript is rejected for publication. If your manuscript is accepted for publication with revisions, the publication fee will be refunded if you withdraw your manuscript before incorporating the required revisions. Once the revisions are incorporated and the final manuscript is accepted, no refunds will be granted for the publication fee.

Non-Refundable Fees:

  • Fast-Track Review Fee: The fast-track review fee is non-refundable once the expedited review process is initiated.
  • Open Access Fee: The open access fee is non-refundable once the article is published as open access.