Waiver Eligibility


The "Journal of Social Signs Review" (JSSR) recognizes the importance of making its publication accessible to a diverse and global audience. This Waiver-Eligibility Policy outlines the criteria under which the JSSR editorial team may consider waiving certain publication fees for authors who face financial hardship or exceptional circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria:

The JSSR may consider waiving publication fees for authors who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Financial hardship: Applicants must demonstrate significant financial hardship that would prevent them from paying the publication fees. This could include, but is not limited to, belonging to a low-income household, being a student without funding, or facing unexpected financial emergencies. Documentation of financial hardship may be requested.
  • Exceptional circumstances: Applicants must present compelling evidence of exceptional circumstances that prevent them from paying the publication fees. These circumstances could include natural disasters, personal illness, or political unrest that have impacted the author's ability to pay. Documentation of exceptional circumstances may be requested.
  • Manuscript quality: The submitted manuscript must meet the high academic standards of the JSSR. This includes originality, methodological soundness, and relevance to the journal's scope.

Waiver Process:

Authors who believe they meet the eligibility criteria for a waiver should submit a formal request to the JSSR editorial team. The request should include the following:

  • A completed Waiver-Eligibility Form outlining the applicant's financial hardship or exceptional circumstances and providing relevant documentation.
  • A cover letter explaining the circumstances in more detail and highlighting the merits of the submitted manuscript.
  • The full manuscript intended for publication.


The JSSR editorial team will review all waiver requests on a case-by-case basis. The decision to grant a waiver will be based on the strength of the applicant's case, the quality of the manuscript, and the availability of resources. Applicants will be notified of the decision within weeks of submitting their request.