Withdrawal Policy

Authors are encouraged to carefully consider their submission before committing to the review process. However, we understand that circumstances may change, and the Journal of Social Signs Review (JSSR) respects an author's right to withdraw their manuscript. This policy outlines the procedures for withdrawing a manuscript and the associated consequences.

1. Stages of Withdrawal:

  • Pre-review withdrawal: You can withdraw your manuscript at any time before the review process begins. This can be done by contacting the editorial office with your request. No fees or penalties will be applied.
  • Post-review withdrawal: Once the review process has commenced, withdrawal becomes more complex. You can still request withdrawal, but the following will apply:
    • Before first decision: You can withdraw your manuscript before receiving the first reviewer reports. A withdrawal fee of [insert fee amount] will be applied to cover administrative costs.
    • After first decision: Withdrawal after receiving the first reviewer reports but before receiving all reviews is allowed, but a withdrawal fee of [insert fee amount] will be applied and the reviewers' comments may be shared with the corresponding author upon request.
    • After final decision: Withdrawal is not possible once the final decision (accept, reject, revise) has been communicated. The manuscript will be considered as part of the JSSR's review process and publication history.

2. Procedure for Withdrawal:

  • To withdraw your manuscript, please send a formal email to the JSSR editorial office at [insert email address].
  • The email should clearly state your intention to withdraw the manuscript and its title.
  • If the withdrawal falls within the post-review stages, please specify the stage of the review process at the time of your request.

3. Consequences of Withdrawal:

  • Withdrawing a manuscript before the review process begins will not have any negative consequences.
  • Withdrawing a manuscript after the review process has commenced may result in:
    • Application of a withdrawal fee.
    • Sharing of reviewer comments with the corresponding author (upon request, only applicable before receiving all reviews).
    • The manuscript being considered as part of the JSSR's review process and publication history (applicable after receiving the final decision).