Impact of Digital Banking on Customer Satisfaction and E-Banking Services; A Case Study in Pakistan’s Banking Sector
The usage technology has made all the world ats have and is governing us like a lord. Everyone wants to use the advance technology for the purpose of efficiency and producing high quality of goods and services to their customers. The customer satisfaction is very important aim of every organization. Due to this reason the banking sector is involved in the technology race for the purpose of efficiency in operations and provide high quality services to the customers on their doorstep. For this reason, researcher conduct the research to examine the customer satisfaction with using the internet banking. The study dependent and four independent variables for this study. The customer satisfaction is dependent variable while privacy, content and interface, level of financial literacy and efficiency of technology are the independent variables. The area of population is Pakistani banking sector customers data provided through relevant Bank’s online data sites questionnaire survey technique was employed and adopted questionnaire from purposive sampling was used in the study questionnaire were distributed total 150 out of which 120 (80%) were filled and respondent, through google docs, WhatsApp, Email and physical visit of Banks in walk in customers. Then statistical test was employed on questionnaire data entered in SPSS and these tests included: Regression analysis, correlation analysis, corn Bach Alpha & chi-square tests was applied. The findings shows that the content and interface have no impact on customer satisfaction while using internet banking. Privacy, level of literacy and efficiency of technology have directly and significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. The h1 was rejected while h2, h3, h4 were proved for this study. The result could be different and become more accurate when the sample size will increase.
Keywords: Internet banking. customer satisfaction, content and interface, privacy, level of financial literacy, efficiency of technology.