From Placards To Perspectives: Semiotic and Multimodal Analysis Of Placards in Pakistan'S Political Long Marches Between (2013-2022)


  • Ms. Nurgus Shaheen MPhil, Graduate from the Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Dr. Syed Shujaat Ali Assistant Professor, Department of English, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat
  • Mr. Tariq Amin MPhil, Lecturer, Department of English and Applied Linguistics, University of Lakki Marwat
  • Somaila Shahid MPhil, Lecturer in English, Government Polytechnic Institute for Women, Peshawar


In order to create and express their ideological viewpoints as well as to support their political party, supporters hold placards during political long marches. The goal of the current study is to examine the different linguistic and visual semiotic resources that are used in the political long marches that have taken place over the past ten years, such as the Awami March (2014), Azadi March (2014), Inqilab March (2014), Azadi March (2019), and Haqiqi Azadi March (2022).The meaning of visual discourse was interpreted using the three elements of the theory: compositional, interactive, and representative. Moreover, the data was analysed using Fairclough's (1992) 3-Dimensional Model in order to critically examine the many ideological viewpoints that were developed and articulated in the political long marches. The study's thorough examination revealed that political party supporters employ a variety of linguistic and semiotic resources in their placards. Additionally, the study discovered a wide range of ideological viewpoints that were created and communicated through the placards, including endorsing one political party, opposing one, disparaging a rival political party and a politician, advocating for change and reform, showcasing affiliations with a political party, and influencing others to support a political party.

Keywords: Political long marches; semiotics; MCDA; semiotic resources; ideological perspective




How to Cite

Ms. Nurgus Shaheen, Dr. Syed Shujaat Ali, Mr. Tariq Amin, & Somaila Shahid. (2024). From Placards To Perspectives: Semiotic and Multimodal Analysis Of Placards in Pakistan’S Political Long Marches Between (2013-2022). Journal of Social Signs Review, 2(4), 781–831. Retrieved from