Female Learners’ Motivational Orientations in ESL Classrooms: A Study of the Undergraduate Female English Learners of KUST, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
This study aimed to investigate the female learners' motivational orientations in ESL classrooms, which are basic components of L2 motivation. Fewer studies were conducted on female learners' motivational orientations, generally in the field of English language motivation, and specifically in Pakistan. Motivation is an important individual variable in the successful learning of an English language. The study targeted the female learners of Kohat University of Science and Technology, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A total of 300 undergraduate female learners were selected for this study from KUST, Kohat. Quantitative method was used and a structured questionnaire was adopted that included closed-ended questions. The learners’ responses were run through factor analysis. The objective was to find motivational orientations of female learners in relation to acquiring English as a second language, and through a quantitative study found out 14 different learners' motivational orientations i.e. L2 for Education prestige, L2 for Identification, Receptive L2 use for Non-Professional purposes, L2 for higher studies or work Abroad, L2 for Media-Instrumental, L2 for Travel-Friendship, L2 for Extrinsic-Ideal L2 self, L2 for Business, L2 for International Posture and Learning and L2 for Local Purposes, L2 for National Interests, L2 for Intrinsic, L2 for Family Interests, L2 for Female Interests, and L2 for Islamic Interests. The three motivational orientations namely Islamic interests, female interests, and family interests emerged as new motivational orientations. It transpired that by acquiring English as a second language, females ESL learners could assist their families economically; they could disseminate their beliefs and religion globally, and they could effectively advocate for the rights of females in contexts where women were denied fundamental rights within their Pakistani society.
Keywords: Motivation, L2 motivation, Female learners, Motivational Orientations, Major and Non-Major Learners, Second Language Acquisition, ESL, EFL.